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All content, including site design, text, graphics and images are the property of Liquidsands Life Pty Ltd and are protected by international copyright laws. All rights are reserved. All logos and trademarks are the property of their respective owners. All products are subject to the copyright of their respective owners.

The customer is responsible for determining whether a product is fit for purpose or use. Every effort has been made by Liquidsands Life Pty Ltd to ensure the accuracy of the information contained on the website – www.liquidsands.com.au. Liquidsands Life Pty Ltd however shall have no liability to any entity with respect to an inaccuracy, misleading information, loss or damage caused directly or indirectly by the information contained on this site. We reserve the right to correct and amend inaccurate information and are not bound in any way through the publication of incorrect information to honour or commit to obligations because of those inaccuracies. The information contained on the Liquidsands site is general in nature and is not an endorsement of any product.